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Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse ... for Managers and Supervisors - M053E
Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse … for Managers and Supervisors – 053 Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse… for Managers and Supervisors discusses the various forms of substance abuse that are typically found in the workplace, how managers and supervisors can detect substance abuse problems, and what they should… and shouldn’t… do if they discover a worker with a substance abuse problem. Substance abuse in a huge, worldwide problem. An employee with an alcohol or drug problem can decrease productivity, create a hostile working environment and damage a company’s good name. Worst of all, the actions of a worker who isunder the influence can completely undermine a company’s efforts to keep people safe. The course includes information on how substance abuse can affect a workplace, laws and regulations related to substance abuse, the role of education and testing in preventing substance abuse, recognizing on-the-job substance abuse, and more. This VOD program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.
Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse ... for Managers and Supervisors - M053S SPANISH
Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse … for Managers and Supervisors – 053 Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse… for Managers and Supervisors discusses the various forms of substance abuse that are typically found in the workplace, how managers and supervisors can detect substance abuse problems, and what they should… and shouldn’t… do if they discover a worker with a substance abuse problem. Substance abuse in a huge, worldwide problem. An employee with an alcohol or drug problem can decrease productivity, create a hostile working environment and damage a company’s good name. Worst of all, the actions of a worker who isunder the influence can completely undermine a company’s efforts to keep people safe. The course includes information on how substance abuse can affect a workplace, laws and regulations related to substance abuse, the role of education and testing in preventing substance abuse, recognizing on-the-job substance abuse, and more. This VOD program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.
Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse... for Employees - M052E
Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse… for Employees – 052 Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse… for Employees discusses the various types of substance abuse that are found in the workplace, how they can affect an employee’s work situation and what employees themselves can do to help keep their workplace drug and alcohol free. Substance abuse in a huge, worldwide problem. An employee with an alcohol or drug problem can decrease productivity, create a hostile working environment and damage a company’s good name. Worst of all, the actions of a worker who is under the influence can completely undermine a company’s efforts to keep people safe. The course includes information how substances are typically abused by employees, alcohol and other depressants, and their effects, stimulants, narcotics and hallucinogens, and their effects, alcohol and drug policies, helping people overcome substance abuse, and more. This program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.
Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse... for Employees - M052S SPANISH
Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse… for Employees – 052 Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse… for Employees discusses the various types of substance abuse that are found in the workplace, how they can affect an employee’s work situation and what employees themselves can do to help keep their workplace drug and alcohol free. Substance abuse in a huge, worldwide problem. An employee with an alcohol or drug problem can decrease productivity, create a hostile working environment and damage a company’s good name. Worst of all, the actions of a worker who is under the influence can completely undermine a company’s efforts to keep people safe. The course includes information how substances are typically abused by employees, alcohol and other depressants, and their effects, stimulants, narcotics and hallucinogens, and their effects, alcohol and drug policies, helping people overcome substance abuse, and more. This program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.
DOT Drugs & Alcohol Testing: What Employees Need to Know SS17041AE (27 Min.)
You may have many questions about DOT Drug and Alcohol testing. This video answers them. Who is subject to DOT testing? Why are safety-sensitive employees tested? What information must employers provide when I first begin performing DOT safety-sensitive functions ? What conduct is prohibited by the regulations? What drugs does DOT test for? Can I use prescribed medications & Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and perform safety-sensitive functions? When will I be tested? How is a urine drug test administered? What are Medical Review Officers (MROs)? If I disclose my prescribed medication use/medical information to the MRO during my interview, will the MRO report that information to a third party? How is an alcohol test administered? Should I refuse a test if I believe I was unfairly selected for testing? What is considered a refusal to test? What happens if I test positive, refuse a test, or violate an agency-specific drug & alcohol rule? What are Substance Abuse Professionals (SAPs)? How do I find a SAP? Will I lose my job if I violate drug & alcohol regulations? Will my results be confidential? Will the results follow me to different employers? What should I do if I have a drug or alcohol abuse problem?
DOT Reasonable Suspicion Training SS17042AE (17 Min.)
Referring someone for drug or alcohol testing is never an easy decision to make. easy to make. Why? Because this decision affects someone’s livelihood, but it also affects the safety of many others. Referring someone for drug or alcohol testing is not to be taken lightly, but it’s not to be ignored either. This video gives you the tools and information you need to do what you need to do, legally, sensitively, and effectively. It defines reasonable suspicion and dewcribes the standards for making reasonable suspicion determinations and provide guidance regarding employee interviews and a reasonable suspicion situation. The bottom line here is safety and saving lives.
Drug & Alcohol Abuse in the Workplace SS9201AE (10 Min.)
Many employees suffer and struggle to perform to their full potential due to the effects of substance abuse. Employees with substance abuse issues are less productive, use more sick days, are more likely to injure themselves or file worker’s compensation claims. They’re also more likely to perceive their jobs negatively, have problems with superiors, and make mistakes. The worst part? It won’t just go away by itself. Most people understand that the abuse of alcohol and illicit drugs are persistent issues in society. What some may not fully understand is how this abuse affects the workplace and how the workplace may affect substance abuse. This program provides insight to this problem and what each individual can do to help.
Drug & Alcohol Abuse in the Workplace SS9201AS (10 Min.) Spanish
Many employees suffer and struggle to perform to their full potential due to the effects of substance abuse. Employees with substance abuse issues are less productive, use more sick days, are more likely to injure themselves or file worker’s compensation claims. They’re also more likely to perceive their jobs negatively, have problems with superiors, and make mistakes. The worst part? It won’t just go away by itself. Most people understand that the abuse of alcohol and illicit drugs are persistent issues in society. What some may not fully understand is how this abuse affects the workplace and how the workplace may affect substance abuse. This program provides insight to this problem and what each individual can do to help.
Drugs & Alcohol: The Harmful Effects SS17040AE
It should come as no surprise that drugs and alcohol can have negative effects on your life. Although sometimes it may be difficult to imagine, the abuse of these substances can change everything from your body to your bank account. Howow much do you really know? Understanding the full effects that these substances can have could change your life for the better. This video will help you do just that.
Medical Marijuana in the Workplace SS2401AE (6 Min.)
Marijuana, was legalized in 2019 for medical use in 34 states, along with the District of Columbia. In addition to this, 10 states plus the District of Columbia have legalized recreational marijuana use as well. Some employers are beginning to relax their testing requirements in fear of not properly handling a failed drug test or being accused of discriminating against a medical marijuana user. There are many employers continuing their zero-tolerance policy in fear of the increased marijuana use that would be brought about by marijuana decriminalization. This video is aimed at helping you gains some insight on how you should navigate these new laws through your company policy.
Medical Marijuana in the Workplace SS2401AS (6 Min.) Spanish
Marijuana, was legalized in 2019 for medical use in 34 states, along with the District of Columbia. In addition to this, 10 states plus the District of Columbia have legalized recreational marijuana use as well. Some employers are beginning to relax their testing requirements in fear of not properly handling a failed drug test or being accused of discriminating against a medical marijuana user. There are many employers continuing their zero-tolerance policy in fear of the increased marijuana use that would be brought about by marijuana decriminalization. This video is aimed at helping you gains some insight on how you should navigate these new laws through your company policy.
Reasonable Suspicion Training SS9202AE (25 Min.)
Did you know that 60% of people who report difficulties with addictive substances are employed full-time? This means that up to 20 million U.S. employees are using substances in a way that likely impacts their work or workplace. But, when do you drug test? Good question. It’s important for you to know your rights. It’s important for you to know the law. If you know both, you are better equipped to make sound decisions. This video will help you to understand both.