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Bloodborne Pathogens: Know the Risk SS1027B (13 Min.) UPDATED
Bloodborne Pathogens are a potential hazard in every workplace. Even minor first aid situations can present a potential risk. That's why training is so important. This prgram takes the mystery out of Bloodborne Pathogens by explaining, in simple terms: What Bloodborne Pathogens are What diseases they can cause and How to prevent exposure.
Bloodborne Pathogens: Know The Risk - SS1027BS (13 Min.) Spanish
Bloodborne Pathogens are a potential hazard in every workplace. Even minor first aid situations can present a potential risk. That's why training is so important. This prgram takes the mystery out of Bloodborne Pathogens by explaining, in simple terms: What Bloodborne Pathogens are What diseases they can cause and How to prevent exposure.
CPR AED Awareness Training – SS21070I (11 min.)
CPR can save someone's life, we will go over some common techniques in this video. We will also cover AED related procedures. Included in this video is a step by step approach on what to do for an adult cardiac emergency, calling 911, and a comprehensive description and demonstration section on how to perform CPR for the adult age group. A brief introduction to the AED (Automated External Defibrillator), the importance of this life-saving device and how to operate one.
First Aid – SS1058IE (9 min.)
First Aid is the immediate card given to the injured or suddenly ill person, it is temporary assistance until proper medical professionals are available. This training program is designed to provide information so that you can help a victim that is in need of first aid.
Healthcare: Bloodborne Pathogens SS14025AE (28 Min.)
Bloodborne diseases continue to pose major health problems. Increasing infection rates for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are now making them as serious a concern as HIV, the virus which can often lead to AIDS. So it’s more important than ever for employees to understand the hazards of bloodborne pathogens, the policies and practices that can prevent their transmission, and the OSHA regulations that address them.
Healthcare: Bloodborne Pathogens SS14025AS (28 Min.) Spanish
Bloodborne diseases continue to pose major health problems. Increasing infection rates for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are now making them as serious a concern as HIV, the virus which can often lead to AIDS. So it’s more important than ever for employees to understand the hazards of bloodborne pathogens, the policies and practices that can prevent their transmission, and the OSHA regulations that address them.
Healthcare: COVID 19 OSHA Emergency Standard SS14023AE (24 Min.)
Although the Coronavirus surfaced in the U.S. in early 2020, it feels like we’ve been living with it forever… in our workplaces, homes and communities as well as in the media and on the internet. The Coronavirus is a serious disease, and healthcare workers are one of the groups that have the highest risk of infection. As a result, OSHA has created an “Emergency Temporary Standard” for healthcare facilities. Topics covered in the course include: The COVID-19 Plan and Required Precautions Physical Considerations and Administration The Coronavirus, Vaccination, Testing and Tracing Hand Washing and "Touch Discipline" Social Distancing and "Respiratory Etiquette" If You Think You're Getting Sick Returning to Work During the Pandemic
Healthcare: Fire Prevention SS14024AE (17 Min.)
Every year more than a million fire emergencies are reported in the U.S., with over 5,000 of them taking place in healthcare facilities. They cause injuries, deaths and more than $45 million in damage. Topics include: How fires burn. The four most common classes of fires. Dealing with a fire emergency. Patient safety and evacuation procedures. Fire hazards in healthcare environments. Controlling electrical hazards. and more.
Healthcare: Fire Prevention SS14024AS (17 Min.) Spanish
Every year more than a million fire emergencies are reported in the U.S., with over 5,000 of them taking place in healthcare facilities. They cause injuries, deaths and more than $45 million in damage. Topics include: How fires burn. The four most common classes of fires. Dealing with a fire emergency. Patient safety and evacuation procedures. Fire hazards in healthcare environments. Controlling electrical hazards. and more.
Healthcare: Safe Patient Handling SS14022AE (24 Min.)
Caring for patients in a healthcare environment can require nurses, aides, orderlies and other caregivers to lift as much as four thousand pounds during a typical shift. No wonder they're twice as likely to suffer musculoskeletal injuries on the job as employees in other industries. But these injuries don't have to occur. Topics covered include: Patient handling and caregiver injuries. Algorithms, patient assessment and body mechanics. Repositioning a patient in bed. Performing patient transfer tasks safely. Mechanical lift devices. and more.
Healthcare: Safe Patient Handling SS14022AS (24 Min.) Spanish
Caring for patients in a healthcare environment can require nurses, aides, orderlies and other caregivers to lift as much as four thousand pounds during a typical shift. No wonder they're twice as likely to suffer musculoskeletal injuries on the job as employees in other industries. But these injuries don't have to occur. Topics covered include: Patient handling and caregiver injuries. Algorithms, patient assessment and body mechanics. Repositioning a patient in bed. Performing patient transfer tasks safely. Mechanical lift devices. and more.
Healthcare: Workplace Violence Prevention SS14021AE (16 Min.)
Workplace violence is a serious problem in hospitals, urgent care clinics, nursing homes, doctors' offices and other healthcare facilities across the country. Thousands of assaults occur every week; employees suffer physical and emotional trauma... some even die. Topics covered include: The history of violence in healthcare facilities. OSHA guidelines for preventing violence. Identifying and controlling the potential for violence. Employee education and training. Responding to violence. and more.
Healthcare: Workplace Violence Prevention SS14021AS (16 Min.) Spanish
Workplace violence is a serious problem in hospitals, urgent care clinics, nursing homes, doctors' offices and other healthcare facilities across the country. Thousands of assaults occur every week; employees suffer physical and emotional trauma... some even die. Topics covered include: The history of violence in healthcare facilities. OSHA guidelines for preventing violence. Identifying and controlling the potential for violence. Employee education and training. Responding to violence. and more.
HIPAA Compliance - SS14017AE (10 min.)
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, forbids sharing, transmitting or divulging of information designated as Protected Health Information or PHI of individuals. It’s designed to offer workers specific protections. Businesses are charged with the responsibility of complying with the provisions set forth in HIPAA and this program was designed to help you reach this goal. This program will help you understand what the HIPAA rulings mean, what your company must do and the steps that must be taken to bring your organization into compliance.
Home Health Care - Animal Control - SS704E
Home Care Workers visit different home environments on a daily basis, and with different environments comes an array of challenges. One of those challenges may be encountering hostile pets. In some situations, when visiting a client, Home Care employees may be threatened, bitten, or otherwise injured by an unrestrained animal. Most animals seem friendly and harmless. Yet, every year in the U.S. animals: Bite millions of people, seriously injure thousands of people and kill about 100 people. Workers can help protect yourself and others by knowing how to recognize the warning signs of aggressive behavior, avoid or prevent an animal attack or how to defend an attack. This program illustrates all of these important techniques.
Home Health Care - Body Mechanics - SS701E
The purpose of using proper body mechanics is simple…To Prevent Injury. One of the most strenuous and potentially hazardous parts of home healthcare is bending, stretching and reaching. This program teaches how to reduce risk and prevent injury. Lift assist equipment such as gait belts, bath boards, grab bars and others are discussed as ways to reduce lifting demands. Viewers are taught to properly assess their environment and correct hazards before incidents occur. Safe Client Transfers and Ambulation are addressed in detail.
Home Health Care - Choices: Safe Driving - SS703E (24 Min.)
This year, approximately 30,000 people will die in vehicle collisions. That’s 100 today. That’s 100 tomorrow…and the next day. Every Day. People’s lives are shattered. Families are torn apart. Why? Poor choices. We mention choices because that’s really what it comes down to. Will your employees choose to obey traffic laws and operate their vehicles safely? Or, will they choose to take a chance… a chance that can have grave and long lasting effects. You can help them make good choices behind the wheel with this video. Topics include: Disctracted Driving Phone Conversations Texting In-Car Distractions External Distractions Pedestrians Inclement Weather BillBoards and Drowsy Driving As well as tried and true Defensive Driving techniques relating to: Speed Limits Following Distance Intersections Aggressive Driving Anticipating Hazards & Backing and Parking
Home Health Care - Choices: Safe Driving - SS703S (24 Min.) Spanish
This year, approximately 30,000 people will die in vehicle collisions. That’s 100 today. That’s 100 tomorrow…and the next day. Every Day. People’s lives are shattered. Families are torn apart. Why? Poor choices. We mention choices because that’s really what it comes down to. Will your employees choose to obey traffic laws and operate their vehicles safely? Or, will they choose to take a chance… a chance that can have grave and long lasting effects. You can help them make good choices behind the wheel with this video. Topics include: Disctracted Driving Phone Conversations Texting In-Car Distractions External Distractions Pedestrians Inclement Weather BillBoards and Drowsy Driving As well as tried and true Defensive Driving techniques relating to: Speed Limits Following Distance Intersections Aggressive Driving Anticipating Hazards & Backing and Parking
Home Health Care - Elder/Child Abuse and Neglect - SS706E
Elder and child Abuse. Tragic. Horrifying. Unthinkable. Yet, it’s estimated hundreds of thousands of elders and children are abused each year. Estimated because our picture of elder and child abuse is limited, due to the hidden and complex nature of the problem and the failure of healthcare workers and others to report elder and child abuse consistently. It can be hard to spot the more subtle forms of neglect and abuse. They’re often unrecognized, because victims tend to be isolated. By learning to recognize elder or child abuse and neglect, by learning how to respond to the cases and by committing yourself to safeguarding clients in your care.
Home Health Care - Slips, Trips and Falls - SS702E
Slips, trips and falls are the second most common cause of injury for home and community health workers. These types of accidents can result in serious disabling injuries and have a major impact on one’s ability to perform their job and may result in lost work days, reduction in productivity or a diminished ability to care for a client. Recognizing and correction of household hazards is examined as the first step in prevention. Common slips and falls are examined to show what are the actual root causes and steps are outlined for workers to take to reduce hazards for everyone in the home.
Home Health Care - Workplace Violence - SS705E
Workplace Violence is unacceptable, regardless of the work environment. This program defines different types of workplace violence common to home health care situations and discusses ways to prevent incidents. Recognition, prevention and de-escalation are the main techniques taught.
Home Health Care – Body Mechanics – SS701S (16 mins) Spanish
The purpose of using proper body mechanics is simple…To Prevent Injury. One of the most strenuous and potentially hazardous parts of home healthcare is bending, stretching and reaching. This program teaches how to reduce risk and prevent injury. Lift assist equipment such as gait belts, bath boards, grab bars and others are discussed as ways to reduce lifting demands. Viewers are taught to properly assess their environment and correct hazards before incidents occur. Safe Client Transfers and Ambulation are addressed in detail.
Home Health Care – Workplace Violence – SS705S (7 mins) Spanish
Workplace Violence is unacceptable, regardless of the work environment. This program defines different types of workplace violence common to home health care situations and discusses ways to prevent incidents. Recognition, prevention and de-escalation are the main techniques taught.
Home Health Care: Elder/Child Abuse and Neglect - SS706S (14 mins) Spanish
Elder and child Abuse. Tragic. Horrifying. Unthinkable. Yet, it’s estimated hundreds of thousands of elders and children are abused each year. Estimated because our picture of elder and child abuse is limited, due to the hidden and complex nature of the problem and the failure of healthcare workers and others to report elder and child abuse consistently. It can be hard to spot the more subtle forms of neglect and abuse. They’re often unrecognized, because victims tend to be isolated. By learning to recognize elder or child abuse and neglect, by learning how to respond to the cases and by committing yourself to safeguarding clients in your care.
Home Health Care: Slips, Trips and Falls – SS702S (6 mins) Spanish
Slips, trips and falls are the second most common cause of injury for home and community health workers. These types of accidents can result in serious disabling injuries and have a major impact on one’s ability to perform their job and may result in lost work days, reduction in productivity or a diminished ability to care for a client. Recognizing and correction of household hazards is examined as the first step in prevention. Common slips and falls are examined to show what are the actual root causes and steps are outlined for workers to take to reduce hazards for everyone in the home.
Needlestick Prevention - SS14026AE (10 Min.)
Needlestick Injury Prevention program is designed to heighten awareness relating to needlestick injuries and to provide measures you can use to reduce these potentially serious injuries. First, we’ll look at some basic statistics and then we’ll review important safety rules, reporting injuries, and information relating to the prevention of needlestick injuries. OSHA estimates that 5.6 million workers in the health care industry and related occupations are at risk of occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. According to NIOSH, it is estimated that 800,000 needlestick injuries occur annually. This program is designed to heighten awareness in needlestick injuries and to provide measures to reduce serious injuries.
Needlestick Prevention - SS14026AS (10 Min.) Spanish
Needlestick Injury Prevention program is designed to heighten awareness relating to needlestick injuries and to provide measures you can use to reduce these potentially serious injuries. First, we’ll look at some basic statistics and then we’ll review important safety rules, reporting injuries, and information relating to the prevention of needlestick injuries. OSHA estimates that 5.6 million workers in the health care industry and related occupations are at risk of occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. According to NIOSH, it is estimated that 800,000 needlestick injuries occur annually. This program is designed to heighten awareness in needlestick injuries and to provide measures to reduce serious injuries.
Proper Hand Washing Techniques SS2203AE (4 Min.)
Hand washing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from getting sick. But, if you are not doing it properly, then you are not effectively preventing yourself from getting sick. This video shows WHEN to wash your hands and HOW to wash your hands. Quick and to the point.
Proper Hand Washing Techniques SS2203AS (4 Min.) Spanish
Hand washing is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from getting sick. But, if you are not doing it properly, then you are not effectively preventing yourself from getting sick. This video shows WHEN to wash your hands and HOW to wash your hands. Quick and to the point.