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Coupling and Uncoupling Tractor Trailers - SS17030AE (5 mins)
The coupling/uncoupling process is a routine operation. But, if not performed safely and correctly, you, your truck and those driving around you are all put at risk. This video shows, in an easy to understand, steb-by-step manner, exactly how to safely couple and uncouple your tractor trailer.
Coupling and Uncoupling Tractor Trailers - SS17030AS (5 mins) Spanish
The coupling/uncoupling process is a routine operation. But, if not performed safely and correctly, you, your truck and those driving around you are all put at risk. This video shows, in an easy to understand, steb-by-step manner, exactly how to safely couple and uncouple your tractor trailer.
Delivery Truck Safety - SS17013AS (12 min.) - Spanish
Driving a delivery truck safely has its hazards but being informed about certain aspects of the job will help keep you safe. The material covered in this program goes beyond just safe driving. This program addresses Safe Lifting which is not only a part of a Delivery Driver’s job, buy essential to their health and well-being. Program also addresses Pre-trip inspection, distracted driving, driving in bad weather are also addressed. This is an excellent program for anyone in the delivery business, new or experienced!
Delivery Truck/Van Safety - SS17013AE (12 min.)
Driving a delivery truck safely has its hazards but being informed about certain aspects of the job will help keep you safe. The material covered in this program goes beyond just safe driving. This program addresses Safe Lifting which is not only a part of a Delivery Driver’s job, buy essential to their health and well-being. Program also addresses Pre-trip inspection, distracted driving, driving in bad weather are also addressed. This is an excellent program for anyone in the delivery business, new or experienced!
DOT Drugs & Alcohol Testing: What Employees Need to Know SS17041AE (27 Min.)
You may have many questions about DOT Drug and Alcohol testing. This video answers them. Who is subject to DOT testing? Why are safety-sensitive employees tested? What information must employers provide when I first begin performing DOT safety-sensitive functions ? What conduct is prohibited by the regulations? What drugs does DOT test for? Can I use prescribed medications & Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and perform safety-sensitive functions? When will I be tested? How is a urine drug test administered? What are Medical Review Officers (MROs)? If I disclose my prescribed medication use/medical information to the MRO during my interview, will the MRO report that information to a third party? How is an alcohol test administered? Should I refuse a test if I believe I was unfairly selected for testing? What is considered a refusal to test? What happens if I test positive, refuse a test, or violate an agency-specific drug & alcohol rule? What are Substance Abuse Professionals (SAPs)? How do I find a SAP? Will I lose my job if I violate drug & alcohol regulations? Will my results be confidential? Will the results follow me to different employers? What should I do if I have a drug or alcohol abuse problem?
DOT HAZMAT General Awareness - M173E (20 mins.)
DOT HAZMAT General Awareness focuses on employees who handle as well as transport hazardous materials. The course reviews a number of topics aimed at making employees more aware of situations in which they may encounter hazardous chemicals… and the nature of the hazards associated with the chemicals. Created specifically for the Department of Transportation’s HAZMAT training regulation on Handling and Transporting Hazardous Materials, this course provides the information necessary to comply with the regulation’s General Awareness training requirement. Areas covered in the course include the regulation itself, hazardous materials, definitions and classes, hazard communication, hazard indicators, such as labels, shipping papers and placards, where hazardous materials may be encountered, packaging and shipping, transport (trucks, ships, rail, etc.), storage, security issues and more.
DOT HAZMAT General Awareness – M173S (19 mins.) Spanish
DOT HAZMAT General Awareness focuses on employees who handle as well as transport hazardous materials. The course reviews a number of topics aimed at making employees more aware of situations in which they may encounter hazardous chemicals… and the nature of the hazards associated with the chemicals. Created specifically for the Department of Transportation’s HAZMAT training regulation on Handling and Transporting Hazardous Materials, this course provides the information necessary to comply with the regulation’s General Awareness training requirement. (While this course can be used by itself, it can also be used as a companion product to MARCOM’s DOT HAZMAT Safety Training course). Areas covered in the course include the regulation itself, hazardous materials, definitions and classes, hazard communication, hazard indicators, such as labels, shipping papers and placards, where hazardous materials may be encountered, packaging and shipping, transport (trucks, ships, rail, etc.), storage, security issues and more.
DOT HAZMAT Safety Training – M174E (21 mins)
DOT HAZMAT Safety Training focuses on employees who handle as well as transport hazardous materials. Created specifically for the Department of Transportation’s HAZMAT Training regulation on Handling and Transporting Hazardous Materials, this course provides the Safety Training required by the regulation. The course makes employees aware of the hazards associated with the materials they handle… and shows them how to work with these materials safely. Areas covered in the course include the regulation itself, hazardous materials that employees may encounter, hazard indicators such as labels, shipping papers and placards, the use of personal protective equipment, proper handling procedures, methods and procedures for avoiding accidents, accidents/emergencies involving hazardous materials, spills and cleanup procedures, and more. This VOD program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.
DOT HAZMAT Safety Training – M174S (19 mins) Spanish
DOT HAZMAT Safety Training focuses on employees who handle as well as transport hazardous materials. Created specifically for the Department of Transportation’s HAZMAT Training regulation on Handling and Transporting Hazardous Materials, this course provides the Safety Training required by the regulation. The course makes employees aware of the hazards associated with the materials they handle… and shows them how to work with these materials safely. Areas covered in the course include the regulation itself, hazardous materials that employees may encounter, hazard indicators such as labels, shipping papers and placards, the use of personal protective equipment, proper handling procedures, methods and procedures for avoiding accidents, accidents/emergencies involving hazardous materials, spills and cleanup procedures, and more. This VOD program is one of the most effective and efficient ways to get employees the training that they need, in a classroom or individually through their desktop or tablet computer.
DOT HAZMAT Security Awareness - M175E (16 mins)
Topics covered in these products include: The need for HAZMAT security training. Internal vulnerabilities. Securing HAZMATs and the facility. Preparing to ship hazardous materials. Protecting HAZMAT shipments. and more.
DOT Reasonable Suspicion Training SS17042AE (17 Min.)
Referring someone for drug or alcohol testing is never an easy decision to make. easy to make. Why? Because this decision affects someone’s livelihood, but it also affects the safety of many others. Referring someone for drug or alcohol testing is not to be taken lightly, but it’s not to be ignored either. This video gives you the tools and information you need to do what you need to do, legally, sensitively, and effectively. It defines reasonable suspicion and dewcribes the standards for making reasonable suspicion determinations and provide guidance regarding employee interviews and a reasonable suspicion situation. The bottom line here is safety and saving lives.
FMCSA: Know The Facts - SS17033AE (11 mins)
The goal of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act, enacted by the FMCSA, or Federal Motor carrier Safety Administration, is CSA; Compliance, Safety and Accountability. This video will help drivers and the companies they work for the criteria and guidelines of CSA and what they must do to remain in compliance and avoid sanctions and penalties.
FMCSA: Know The Facts - SS17033AS (11 mins) Spanish
The goal of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act, enacted by the FMCSA, or Federal Motor carrier Safety Administration, is CSA; Compliance, Safety and Accountability. This video will help drivers and the companies they work for the criteria and guidelines of CSA and what they must do to remain in compliance and avoid sanctions and penalties.
GHS - Hazard Communications: Right To Know - SS1051FE (18 Min.)
This video fully explains the (GHS) Globally Harmonized System and how it is to be integrated with your current HAZCOM program. The video fully explains the key points of the change, replacement of MSDS with the new SDS, new symbols and labels, plus new classification. This program trains employees, supervisors and management on the elements of the new system.
GHS - Hazard Communications: Right To Know - SS1051FS (18 Min.) Spanish
This video fully explains the (GHS) Globally Harmonized System and how it is to be integrated with your current HAZCOM program. The video fully explains the key points of the change, replacement of MSDS with the new SDS, new symbols and labels, plus new classification. This program trains employees, supervisors and management on the elements of the new system.
GHS: Hazardous Materials Labels SS2001FE (8 Min.)
This GHS Container Labeling Training Video will help your employees understand the six types of information contained on a Globally Harmonized System (GHS) label as well as how to understand the 9 types of pictograms used in a GHS labeling program. This training DVD was created specifically to help you with the OSHA GHS compliance standard
GHS: Hazardous Materials Labels SS2001FS (8 Min.) Spanish
This GHS Container Labeling Training Video will help your employees understand the six types of information contained on a Globally Harmonized System (GHS) label as well as how to understand the 9 types of pictograms used in a GHS labeling program. This training DVD was created specifically to help you with the OSHA GHS compliance standard.
Hazmat Security: DOT Requirements - SS13024AE (13 min.)
This program focuses on giving employees an awareness of the security risks associated with transporting hazardous materials.Areas covered in this program are: Security risks associated with transporting hazardous materials, Methods that have been designed to enhance transportation security, How to recognize security risks and Responding to possible security threats.
Hazmat Security: DOT Requirements - SS13024AS (13 min.) Spanish
This program focuses on giving employees an awareness of the security risks associated with transporting hazardous materials.Areas covered in this program are: Security risks associated with transporting hazardous materials, Methods that have been designed to enhance transportation security, How to recognize security risks and Responding to possible security threats.
Hours Of Service - SS17034AE (12 Min.)
Hours of Service Regulations are designed to keep fatigued drivers off the road. This program outlines these regulations and demonstrates how drivers and companies can remain in compliance with these FMCSA regulations.
Hours Of Service - SS17034AS (12 Min.) Spanish
Hours of Service Regulations are designed to keep fatigued drivers off the road. This program outlines these regulations and demonstrates how drivers and companies can remain in compliance with these FMCSA regulations.
Intersections - SS17035AE (5 Min.)
Intersections can be one of the most hazardous locations you navigate on the road. There are many factors that can affect your safety approaching and navigating intersections. This video will explain these factors and the steps you can take to avoid accidents.
Intersections - SS17035AS (5 Min.) Spanish
Intersections can be one of the most hazardous locations you navigate on the road. There are many factors that can affect your safety approaching and navigating intersections. This video will explain these factors and the steps you can take to avoid accidents.
Jackknifing and Trailer Swing SS17036AE (7 Min.)
Jackknifing is the simple but too often hazardous result of a chain of events that occur when the driver locks up the drive axle brakes on the tractor. If you lock up the steering axle brakes, the truck will move straight ahead regardless of the wheel angle. If you lock up the trailer axle brakes the law of physics takes over, and you'll experience the trailer swing, a kind of reverse jackknifing where the trailer moves around the tractor, pivoting on the fifth wheel or breaking away from the fifth wheel completely. This video takes a look at what jackknifing can cause and what drivers can do to prevent it.
Jackknifing and Trailer Swing SS17036AS (7 Min.)
Jackknifing is the simple but too often hazardous result of a chain of events that occur when the driver locks up the drive axle brakes on the tractor. If you lock up the steering axle brakes, the truck will move straight ahead regardless of the wheel angle. If you lock up the trailer axle brakes the law of physics takes over, and you'll experience the trailer swing, a kind of reverse jackknifing where the trailer moves around the tractor, pivoting on the fifth wheel or breaking away from the fifth wheel completely. This video takes a look at what jackknifing can cause and what drivers can do to prevent it.
Pre Trip Inspection: The Circle of Safety - SS1084IE (15 mins)
Demonstrates for professional drivers the key components of a systematic, comprehensive and easy to-remember pre-trip inspection.
Pre Trip Inspection: The Circle of Safety - SS1084IS (15 mins) Spanish
Demonstrates for professional drivers the key components of a systematic, comprehensive and easy to-remember pre-trip inspection.
Pre-Trip Inspection SS17037AE (30 Min.)
Pre-Trips inspection are vital to the safety of your vehicles, your drivers and the vehicles on the road around them. These inspections often become routine and drivers become complacent, just simply going through the motions, or just checking every box on the form. This video serves as a great training tool for new drivers or as a refresher for experienced drivers as it underlines the importance of these inspections and how to perform one properly.
Professional Truck Driving - SS17032AE (6 mins)
Professional truck drivers encounter a wide variety of potential hazards every day. This video explains how to safely navigate these hazards. This video explains some common driving tips as well as hazards the apply specifically to truck driving.
Professional Truck Driving - SS17032AS (6 mins)
Professional truck drivers encounter a wide variety of potential hazards every day. This video explains how to safely navigate these hazards. This video explains some common driving tips as well as hazards the apply specifically to truck driving.
Safe Backing Of Tractor Trailers - SS17031AE (5 mins)
One of the most challenging situations a truck driver faces is backing, and it's an action that is performed every day in a variety of situations. This video is a great way to help train new drivers or give refresher training to experienced drivers.
Securing Loads Safely – SS17011AE (11 min.)
This program helps employees comply with DOT regulations relating to securing loads on tractor trailers. Topics include: different types of trucks and associated loading requirements, load securement procedures, number of straps needed for different loads, working load limits and other related safety information. Great training to ensure you and your vehicles are not cited or placed out of service due to non-compliance issues.
Securing Loads Safely – SS17011AS (11 min.) SPANISH
This program helps employees comply with DOT regulations relating to securing loads on tractor trailers. Topics include: different types of trucks and associated loading requirements, load securement procedures, number of straps needed for different loads, working load limits and other related safety information. Great training to ensure you and your vehicles are not cited or placed out of service due to non-compliance issues.
Shipping Hazardous Materials - SS1049FE (12 min.)
Shipping of hazardous materials is a big responsibility. There have been many disasters and lives lost due to improper shipping of hazardous materials. The goal of this program is awareness of hazardous materials and the proper shipping procedures.
Shop Safety - SS1083IE (8 mins)
Shop Safety - SS1083IS (8 mins) Spanish
Terminal Tractor Safety SS17038AE (8 Min.)
The Terminal Tractor (also known as a shunt truck, spotter truck, spotting tractor, yard truck, yard shifter, yard dog, yard goat, yard horse, yard bird, yard jockey, hostler, or mule) is a semi-tractor intended to move semi trailers within a cargo yard, warehouse facility, or intermodal facility, much like a switcher locomotive is used to position railcars. Operators are required to inspect equipment, communicating with dispatch, log all trailer moves, completing manifests and paperwork, and above all, focus on safety at all times. That's just what this video is all about.
Terminal Tractor Safety SS17038AS (8 Min.) Spanish
The Terminal Tractor (also known as a shunt truck, spotter truck, spotting tractor, yard truck, yard shifter, yard dog, yard goat, yard horse, yard bird, yard jockey, hostler, or mule) is a semi-tractor intended to move semi trailers within a cargo yard, warehouse facility, or intermodal facility, much like a switcher locomotive is used to position railcars. Operators are required to inspect equipment, communicating with dispatch, log all trailer moves, completing manifests and paperwork, and above all, focus on safety at all times. That's just what this video is all about.
Warehouse Safety: The Basics - SS1099AE (11 Min.)
Warehouses play a critical role in our economy. They tend to be fast-paced and busy environments which can give rise to many different types of hazards. As a result, more employee fatalities occur in warehouses than in most other workplaces, and thousands of injuries occur there every year. This training program makes sure employees are informed about warehouse hazards and how to avoid them.
Warehouse Safety: The Basics - SS1099AS (11 Min.) Spanish
Warehouses play a critical role in our economy. They tend to be fast-paced and busy environments which can give rise to many different types of hazards. As a result, more employee fatalities occur in warehouses than in most other workplaces, and thousands of injuries occur there every year. This training program makes sure employees are informed about warehouse hazards and how to avoid them.
Winter Driving in Extreme Weather Conditions SS1088I (10 Min.)
This video will help you understand some of the hazards associated with winter driving. Some of the topics include safe speeds, hydroplaning, braking and pre-trip inspection. Winter Driving Safety SS1088I (10 Min.)