
Accident & Incident Investigation SS1023AE (17 Min.)

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a worker is injured on the job every 5 seconds. Workplace injuries and illnesses cost industry over $175 .....

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a worker is injured on the job every 5 seconds. Workplace injuries and illnesses cost industry over $175 billion annually. The immediate cause of incidents is usually obvious. But unless the true root cause(s) are identified and corrected, the probability of a similar type incident occurring is high. A properly conducted Incident Investigation is one of the most effective tools and an essential component of all successful incident prevention programs. Incident Investigation program uses broadcast quality images and graphics to capture the audience’s attention and communicate in a clear and concise fashion the purpose and importance of Incident Investigation, the skills and techniques required to conduct an effective investigation, how to identify the true root causes of an incident and develop corrective actions, and the importance of communication and follow up. Topics covered include:  Taking immediate action at the scene of the incident, Gathering facts and information, How to take effective pictures and document an incident scene, Techniques for interviewing witnesses, Methods for analyzing the facts and information gathered, Developing corrective actions, Implementation and communication, and The importance of follow up. When an incident occurs in the workplace something happened that shouldn’t have, or didn’t happen that should have. A proper Incident Investigation will answer why and enable you to prevent its recurrence in the future. This program provides the content and tools necessary to effectively train your managers, supervisors, safety committee members and other employees to conduct a proper Incident Investigation.

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